11 Amazing Tips for a Happy Relationship

Find someone who is like-minded.

You might be psychically attracted to the opposite sex, but in the long run, the different personalities of each person could be a problem in the relationship. It is better to be as similar as possible, and in any case share the same priorities in existence, the same goals of life. We need security, and we want others to take care of us and react favorably if we need help and support.

Being with someone who knows your world and aspires to the same things as you is an advantage.

But accept the differences.

What you should not do is to try to change your partner. The more people tried to change their partner, the more they gave up and lost hope for their partner, the more they are unhappy.

If you feel that you have to change for your partner because he or she does not accept you as you are, you will be unhappy. Conversely, if you try to change your partner, you send him the message that you do not like him as he is or as he is.

Only if he is 100% sure of your love and feels that you understand him, he will be ready to accept things from you, and he will know that you only want to help him. It counts for both males and females, of course.

Trust your Partner

If you trust yourself and your partner, you give each other a lot of credit. You feel safe in your relationship, and you know that your partner is there for you, even when you are in a vulnerable situation.

If you let your partner know that you have a secret, you become suspicious and unreliable, whether or not there is a secret. The mystery itself is of little importance.

If you keep a secret, you implicitly say, “I do not trust you enough. ” It hurts the trust and will cause the other to spy on you, which will not lead to anything good, because even if he does not discover anything if there is nothing to discover, he will continue to be wary. In the long run, your partner’s suspicious actions may bother you and hurt your feelings.

Stay faithful

Most people say that they would never forgive a deception, but in the end, when that happens, couples often stay together, for example, because the other has shown sincere remorse. Or because the deceived partner is more indulgent than the other imagined, or because he realized that leaving his partner would be even more difficult for him. But the essential trust in your relationship will be difficult to regain.

Be grateful

If you feel grateful for your relationship, if you know that it is right for you, you must do your best to maintain it. You will do this by taking care of your partner, keeping your arrangements, avoiding arguments, etc.

Your partner will also be grateful. The degree of recognition seems to announce the vagaries of the relationship, much more than, for example, satisfaction. If the appreciation decreases, the partners make less for each other, and it hurts the relationship.

One of the most critical needs is to feel understood. Give the other the feeling that you are not with your partner, despite his shortcomings, but thanks to them. Relationships are good and bad, conflicts are inevitable.

Accepting each other, even when you’re stressed or grumpy, forgiving and acting well are signs that you care about the relationship, even in difficult times. All you can do to achieve this contributes to a good relationship.

Make children, or not.

Do you have to make children? Children give you a purpose in life and give it more importance, and if you agree on education, you will be pleased. But you will have more responsibilities and stress. People who want children should be aware that they will have to make sacrifices.

Like one of my famous quotes, “In this life, you lose something, but you gain something else, you gain something, but you lose something you like” It all depends on what you want from your life at this moment and for your future. If you are ready to be a parent, go for it. The timing is essential though.

Parents generally feel happier, but you may experience the adverse effects such as stress and fatigue. It is therefore difficult to conclude on this point.

An effect of adaptation is possible: it gives a feeling of happiness related to the birth of the children, but this feeling gradually decreases with the time, precisely as it can happen with the romantic relationship.

Accept Your Partner’s Love as it is.

Do not insist that your partner should show his love in a certain way.  Share your love with each other, enjoy it. Praise for the love that you have because it feels lovely and a great experience.

Believe it

The biggest secret in life, for things to work, is to believe it. If everything is already going well for you, you are genuinely in love, and you want to build a beautiful story for two, start by telling you that it has no written end.

However, by relieving yourself of this fear and pressure, you will have a light heart, breathe freedom and joy of life, serenity, see things from a positive angle and therefore give even more love and happiness to your partner.


In speaking, everything is often easily resolved whereas if we hold back our doubts and our anger, everything will only get amplified, like a pellet of dust that grows and grows if it is left in a corner. Or a pressure cooker that explodes with too much pressure.

Are you fed up with the fact that he/she forgot to throw the trash? Rather than jump on him and overwhelm him with disproportionate reproaches, make him notice calmly, with diplomacy and pedagogy. Smiling and telling the other politely helps.

Be Always Supportive

Support is essential for both genders, especially for women who need to talk about themselves and their problems. In one study, 40 percent of women experiencing a ‘stressful event’ was depressed when they did not receive enough support from their partner, and 10 percent of those received adequate support.

In another study, the couples who shared enthusiastic news or events with each other were the happiest; Do not be reluctant or irrelevant.

Have a blast

What is a couple? These are two people who have a big feeling and are more attracted to the other. Your man or woman is also your best friend, your family, but with more desire. So, keep the “friends” side and the “la la” side of your relationship!

On the one hand, enhance the support and relationship by trips, vacations, events, unique moments of sharing, to have fun and enjoy life together.

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